One of the beautiful part of Croatia, it is Slavonia and Baranja. Rivers, fields, nature, forests……all the richness of Croatia. Kopacki rit in Baranja is the biggest flooded area on the entire European continent. It is between the Danube and Drava rivers. Due to its sights and great biological diversity, in 1967 Kopacki rit was declared as a protected…
Attractions of Slavonia and Baranja
The Fairytale of Rastoke
Small town of Rastoke is situated along the river of Slunjčica. The richness of greenery, nature, waterfalls like Buk, Hrvoje and Vilina kosa are very attractive. We could tell that Rastoke are immovable cultural monument. The blue-green waters of the river Slunjcica slowly flow into the river of Korana. This place has its own legend. Once, the mills were working there…
Nationalpark Kornaten
Der Park besteht aus 89 Inseln, Inselchen und Felsen und macht einen Reichtum des Karstgebiets, der Gliederung der Küste und des Ӧkosystems. Zum Nationalpark kommt man mit dem Schiff. Es ist ein Paradies der Segler, Natur- und Seetiefenliebhaber. Das 89 Inseln und Riffe umfassende Archipel des Nationalparks Kornati befindet sich zwischen der Insel Dugi otok…