The show was filmed at several locations on the Croatian coast. My clients prefer this historical flight. Games of Thrones, Croatia flight, experience from the air. Games of Thrones flight from Split. Split and Šibenik together. Croatia was chosen as a crucial filming location for the fourth season of the show, and its architecture and…
Game of Thrones Split and Šibenik
Big game fishing
Big game fishing je namijenjen za istinske ljubitelje mora, ribe i za ljude koji znaju što je adrenalin. Organizira se svaki dan i to od 8-18.00 i najbolje je da na brodu bude 3-5 ljudi. Luksuzni brod Antaresu 10.80, kompletno je opremljen za Big Game ribolov specijaliziranim za drifting – lov na tune, sabljarke, morske…
Walls of Ston
Ston, walls of Ston from the air. After the Great Wall of China they are the second longest defensive walls in the world. Ston is your destination. The walls of Ston are the largest construction venture outside the Republic of Dubrovnik. They consist of walls of Ston and Mali Ston, the Great Wall, three fortresses,…