Der Naturpark Velebit ist das geschützteste Gebiet in der Republik Kroatien. Innerhalb des Parks sind zwei Nationalparks: der Nationalpark Sjeverni Velebit und der Nationalpark Paklenica. Der grӧβte Teil des Parks ist aus Dolomit und Kalkstein. Das Gebiet ist reich und vielfӓltig, so dass man hier Hӧllen,tiefe Gruben und die Funde der Sakralobjekte und Kulturdennkmӓler findet….
Naturpark Velebit
The unique beauty of Lastovo
I prefer Croatian`s islands, each of them is different with its own story. Some of them are away from land, in a remote area where you have your time for yourself. The Lastovo islands is a combination of wild vegetation and crystal blue sea. Lastovo is an amazing combination of wild nature, extremely dense vegetation, numerous bays…
Military tunnels of Vis
The island of Vis is placed among the favorite destinations on the entire Mediterranean. It is probably strategically the most important island in Adriatic Sea. With crystal-clear waters and winding roads, the island of Vis appears as a perfect Adriatic vacation. Vis, the furthest inhabited Croatian island from the coast, was isolated from the outside…