Das kulturelle Erbe von Zadar

Zadar is a town of outstanding artistic heritage. Its old buildings still stand out and contribute to its specific image. Could one imagine Zadar without the round church of St. Donat, the largest and most significant pre-Romanesque monument in this country, without the Romanesque belfry of St. Mary`s, the church of St. Krsevan and the Cathedral…..Zadar, its cultural heritage, you should discover.

It is for people who love cultural heritage, for 4-8 people.

Duration: about 3 hours

  • Gold and Silver of Zadar

The connection between the Benedictine order and Zadar has been unbroken from the Byzantine period to the birth of the new Croatian state. During the bombings of the Allies in 1943, this treasure preserved for centuries and was secretly hidden by the Benedictines in a deep hole under the church bell tower and deposited. In 8 well-equipped hall you can see gold and silver of Zadar in the Church of Sv. Nediljica from the 11th century. The collection includes reliquaries for either entire saints or parts of them (e.g. hands, arms and heads), crucifixes, paintings, and vestments interwoven with gold and silver thread.

  • St Elias’s Church (Crkva sv. Ilije)

The Orthodox church was built in the late Baroque style at the end of the 18th century, and contains a wonderful collection of icons spanning the 16th to 18th centuries.

  • The Museum of Ancient Glass

The museum contains one of the premium collections of Roman glassware outside Italy, with a cornucopia of goblets, jars and vials retrieved from archaeological sites across Dalmatia. Highlights include the delicate vessels used by Roman ladies to store perfumes, skin creams and essential oils.

If you like history, it is for you.

A walk across stone streets will become a walk through history. Gold and Silver of Zadar, St Elias’s Church (Crkva sv. Ilije) and The Museum of Ancient Glass.

The Church of St. Francesco, The National Museum, Archaeological Museum and when you come in Zadar, discover cultural heritage of Zadar and its surroundings.

Walking tour in Zadar, cultural heritage, it is for persons who like history, who prefer art

If you have any inquiry, please, contact us.