Game of Thrones Split and Šibenik

The show was filmed at several locations on the Croatian coast. My clients prefer this historical flight. Games of Thrones, Croatia flight, experience from the air. Games of Thrones flight from Split. Split and Šibenik together. Croatia was chosen as a crucial filming location for the fourth season of the show, and its architecture and…

Panorama Plitvice i kanjon Zrmanje

Panorama Plitvice i kanjon Zrmanje. Upoznajte Nacionalni park Plitvice iz zraka. Park koji se sastoji od gornjih i donjih jezera, predivne prirode, zelenila i park koji osvaja u sva godišnja doba. Za obići Nacionalni park potrebno je od 3-5 sati,  a Vi možete doživjeti Plitvice iz zraka. Dovoljno je ponijeti foto aparat ili kameru i…