Orange Villa
In the shade of a hundred year old pine tree forest and immersed in tropical vegetation lie the Meneghello villas, bungalows and houses, welcoming your stay on Palmižana.
PALMIŽANA is the popular name for the small island of St. Klement, Palmižana is located just off the coast of the town of Hvar. It is one of many islands in the unique Paklinski archipelago renowned for its beauty.
If you visit Palmižana you can dine in either of the two excellent restaurant: the new and attractive “Toto’s” on the beach and the well-known “Palmižana” with its wonderful view of the Southern Palmižana Bay.
Both restaurants are famous for their fresh, local seafood delicacies and high-quality Mediterranean cuisine.
Here you can wander in nature, visit the museum of amphorae, the gallery with works of renowned artists, the art shop, or experience the Palmižana beaches.
Orange villa
Exclusive villa with a magnificent view of the bay surrounded by lush vegetation very close to the beach. Consists of 1 Double bedroom and 1 large living room with a sofa bed. A beautiful large terrace is overlooking the south Palmizana bay. This villa is perfect for couples or families with small children. (max 2+2 guests)
1 Double bedroom
1 sofa bed in the living room
2 Bathrooms with shower (1 inside, 1 outside)
1 Large living room area
Kitchenette with small refrigerator
Outdoor furniture
Separate entrances
Private terrace with magnificent view, outdoor furniture
In Palmižana, you will feel the unique style of hospitality.
The nearest emergency room is in town of Hvar /15 min ride by boat/ and the nearest hospital in Split, from 45 min to 2 hours time distance, depending on the ferry boat schedules, but also private speed boat transfer can be easily organized in need. Emergency helicopters are also available.
During the high season, one can still find moments of tranquility just minutes away in numerous bays and coves, easily reachable by boats or on foot.
There is a small grocery shop on the northern side of Palmizana, in the yachts Marina, with basic supplies.
HALF BOARD per adult person and from 7 years ( breakfast and lunch or dinner) – 70 € per person/day
BREAKFAST: per person and from 7 years 24 €/day
Extra bed /night: adult and from 4-6 years and from 7 years 40€
Baby 0-3 years free
Your Pet 5€ / day
Children till 3 years free of charge.
Children 4 – 6 years the half board 35€/child/day
Children breakfast/person/day/ 4-6 years: 12 €
Children from 7 years, half board – 70€
Children from 7 years: Breakfast 24 €/person/day
Extra bed/night/ 40€….child 4-6 years
Tourist tax is not in the price and you pay directly.
The daily cleaning is service and the final cleaning are included in the price of the accommodation.
Minimum stay is 3 nights. An exception can be made upon request.
Guests can choose between BB (only breakfast) formula or HALF-BOARD (breakfast and dinner with choice from several menus, drinks excluded) all served at Meneghello restaurant terrace.
The half-board can be booked only in advance. You can choose from the menu a la carte an entree, a starter a main course, and a homemade cake. drinks excluded.
Breakfast, there are a variety of choices and breakfast includes: 2 coffess for each person, orange juice, water, different kind of egg (omelet, omelet cheese and ham, scramble, eggs…), jam, butter, cream cheese, croissant, bread pate and a plate of seasonal fruits. Muesli, cornflakes.
Please note that the breakfast is served daily at the Palmižana Meneghello Restaurant terrace from 08.00 am to 10.30 am or on request at later time;
Half board service will be also served at the Palmižana Meneghello Restaurant.
Accept all credit cards except Amex. There are 2 ATMs on the island of Palmizana in the ACI yacht marina, on the north part of the island 600 m away from Palmizana Meneghello restaurant and on Vinogradisce bay next to Toto’s restaurant.
More ATMs machines you can find in Hvar town.
Wi fi available only on the Palmizana Meneghello Restaurant terrace, the service is free.
Check-in time
Check-out time
- Balkon
- Klima uređaj
- Kuhinja
- Plaža
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Palmižana je smještena je na Sv. Klementu, jednom od Paklenih otoka. Pjeskovita uvala smeštena je u sjeni starih borova omogućila je obitelji Meneghello da se već 1906. godine na svom 300 godina starom posjedu počne baviti turizmom.
To je poznato turističko utočište umjetnika, slavnih i javnih ličnosti, političara i onih koji vole i traže mir i koji znaju prepoznati istinsku ljepotu. Za Palmižanu bismo mogli reći da je rajski vrt.
Obitelj je na otok donosila brojne egzotične biljke i stvorila rijedak botanički vrt. Godine 1999. Palmižana je svrstana u 10 najljepših turističkih odredišta na Jadranu. Također pripada u najstarije i najpoznatije hvarsko izletište, ali je i nautička marina. Ljeti se mogu vidjeti brojne jahte i poznate ličnosti.
Palmižanska kuhinja zasniva se na ribi, rakovima i školjkama te na povrću iz domaćeg uzgoja.
Palmižana se u sto posljednjih godina mijenjala i prolazila kroz razdoblje kada je bila pionirsko turističko odredište.
Tada je turizam kao pojam tek bio začet u svijetu. U uvalu Eugena Meneghella moglo se doći tek uz posebnu dozvolu vlasnika.
To je bilo izrazito teško vrijeme. U 2. svjetskom ratu Eugen Meneghello je ostao gotovo bez svega, a njegov raj pretvorio se tek u točionicu pića. Njegov sin je velikom upornošću razvijao očevu ideju i od Palmižane ponovno stvarao prepoznatljivo turističko središte. Njegova supruga Dagmar na otok je dovela umjetnost i umjetnike tako da se na Palmižani može uživati u umjenosti brojnih slikara.
Tijekom tog vremena na otoku su se iz cijelog svijeta množile i biljke, a obiteljski botanički vrt postajao je sve bogatiji različitim vrstama kaktusa, agava mimoza i drugog egzotičnog i mediteranskog raslinja.
Cijelo to vrijeme na otoku nema tekuće vode, pa ni danas, pa se tako može vidjeti vodonosac koji uplovljava u luku.
U današnje moderno vrijeme Palmižana je zadržala još jednu rijetkost, a to je nedostupnost signala za mobitel.
Moglo bi se reći da Palmižana nudi istinski odmor. Uvala broji desetak kućica-apartmana različitih boja i oblika, dva restorana kao i mali muzej-galeriju.
Dagmar Meneghello u uvali je uspjela u posljednjih 40 godina okupiti najveća imena hrvatske umjetnosti.
Uspjela je sačuvati, a i danas brižno skuplja njihova djela. Od uvale je stvorila pravu umjetničku koloniju.
Na Palmižani možete bezbrižno ljetovati ćak i u koliko ste poznata osoba jer možete biti sigurni da će te imati svoju privatnost.
Palmižana spada u najljepša odredišta na Jadranu. Čisto more, prekrasan ambijent i gostoprimstvo nikog neće ostaviti ravnodušnim.
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